Monday, February 4, 2008

4 Month Check-up

Olivia went for her 4 month check-up last Tuesday and is doing great! She is in the 95th-97th percentile for height at 25 3/4 inches, and is in the 50th-75th percentile for weight at 15 lbs 13 oz. So we are growing an Amazon woman!! She's already wearing 9 month size outfits!

The doc said she is hitting all her milestones so far and is strong (putting weight on legs, holding head up, etc.). And she is such a happy baby! There was a brief cry during the injections, but she recovered quite quickly and was smiling again.

Richard is currently in Vegas with Scott (his brother) and Sean (long-time friend from high school)... watching the Superbowl, drinking beer, and being Star Trek geeks... So Olivia and I are enjoying a few days of girl time, with a little bit of Grandma thrown in. Tomorrow we'll do a little shopping and on Wednesday night, Daddy comes home!

Here are some of our favorite new photos of our little princess!

Sleeping on her "couch recliner"...which is really just a combo of some pillows and her boppy. It's a great way for her to sleep while I sit next to her and work on the laptop!

This is her Disney Princess onesie. She's about to outgrow it, but we'll take it to our next Disney trip this week so she can get some wear out of it. Look how strong her legs are!

This is a pink car that is part activity center, part walker, that was given to us by a friend. It's a good test to see if she likes something like this as I'm exploring the various "exersaucers/jumpers" that are out there. There are so many to choose from...ugh!

This was her first attempt at eating rice cereal. She's not sure she really likes it and she pushed most of it out. The doc said to try again every so often and one day she will decide that she loves it! After that, we'll venture into veggies.... yum!

Though you can't tell from this picture, she really enjoys her baths. I just love her expression in this picture, and I'm sure we can use it someday to torture her when she starts dating... :-)

1 comment:

Doris D. Meneses said...

I am so happy to see new pictures of Alex's girlfriend! Ha! I will add your link to your blog on mine if you don't mind! She's beautiful...just like her wonderful mommy.

When I see you and Debi with your little heart leaps with joy!